VAT Recovery Chart

This chart gives details regarding each country providing VAT refund including the typical eligible expenses and the common VAT rates.

VAT Recovery Chart For EU Based Corporate & Commercial Aviation Companies

There are many costly expenses specific to the aviation industry, which incur VAT and there are very specific rules regarding which companies in the industry can recover the VAT or fuel excise taxes incurred. This chart provides details for EU-based corporate and commercial aviation VAT recovery.

VAT Recovery Chart For Non EU Based Corporate & Commercial Aviation Companies

There are many costly expenses specific to the aviation industry, which incur VAT and there are very specific rules regarding which companies in the industry can recover the VAT or fuel excise taxes incurred. This chart provides details for non EU-based corporate and commercial aviation VAT recovery.

8th & 13th Directive: Which VAT Directive Applies to Your Company?

Depending on your country of business establishment, VAT regulations as well as the reclaim process and requirements, do vary. Either Directive 2008/09/EC, the former 8th Directive, or Directive 86/560/EEC, also known as the 13th Directive, will apply to your company.